7 meatless recipes for Fridays during lent - Chicago Tribune


7 meatless recipes for Fridays during lent - Chicago Tribune

7 meatless recipes for Fridays during lent - Chicago Tribune

Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:50 AM PST

The season of Lent is upon us, which means millions of Catholics around the world have left the indulgences of Mardi Gras behind. Typically, devout Catholics will abstain from an indulgence for the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, like social media, alcohol or sweets. It's also tradition to forego meat for the seven Fridays during that time period, and these Fridays are oftentimes referred to as "Fish Fridays."

The world this week - Biden's grand game, Brazil Petrobras, Vaccine passports, school's vegetarian meals - FRANCE 24

Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:30 AM PST

Issued on:

Joe Biden's first phone call to Riyadh going not to MBS but to his dad. the ailing King Salman and this ahead of the declassification of intelligence that links the crown prince to the 2018 murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul: Overnight, we witness the first use of U-S military force on Joe Biden's watch. An airstrike targeting facilities used by Iran-backed militias in Syria, just over the border with Iraqi Kurdistan. 17 killed according to local sources.


It follows several missile attacks inside Iraq in the past weeks, including the one that killed a Filipino contractor inside the US base at Erbil International Airport, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan. Earlier this week, UN nuclear inspectors agreed to an end to surprise inspections of Iran nuclear sites. They expressed alarm at Tehran's drifting away from the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal but a return to talks is possible. But who blinks first?

Donald Trump may be gone, but one of his biggest admirers is still in charge in Brazil. And while Trump was known for firing underlings over Twitter, Jair Bolsonaro taking to Facebook to announce he was replacing the boss of state oil company Petrobras with a 71-year old reserve army general whose current job is running a hydroelectric dam at the Paraguayan border. Roberto Castello Branco fired and fuel subsidies reimposed at the behest of the truckers' union. Free market reforms are fine and dandy but not when there is a pandemic and you are running for re-election in 20 months.

After Ghana on Wednesday, Ivory Coast now the second developing world nation to receive shipment of its first doses of vaccine under the UN's Covax inoculation scheme. While West Africa gets its first vaccines, while the United States marks its 50 millionth inoculation, these good news stories irk many Europeans, what with the rollout painfully slow in places like France where we've just crossed the 4-percent vaccinated threshold. Bash Boris Johnson all you want, the UK has now vaccinated more people than the European Union. A virtual E-U summit singling out Astra-Zeneca with what sounds a lot like a threat:Johnson's changed his mind and now favors green passports so citizens can at least book summer holidays.

Do you serve a meat dish... or a non-meat dish? Judging by this demonstration Monday by farmers outside city hall that included the grilling of hamburgers and the petting of livestock... guess which Grégory Doucet chose. It has triggered a rift within the government itself. The environment minister Barbara Pompili, who tweeted her praise for a vegetarian school lunch while on a visit to Britanny called the controversy "prehistoric". Recently Michelin gave a star to Claire Vallée's vegan restaurant. But even there, the times they are a changing. Two years ago, you had Greggsgate, outrage over the rolling out of vegan sausage rolls.

Produced by Freddie Gower, Juliette Laurain and Laura Burloux.

from What to Cook https://ift.tt/3sCyv1j