I made one of the most popular air-fryer chicken recipes, and it was better than takeout - Yahoo News


I made one of the most popular air-fryer chicken recipes, and it was better than takeout - Yahoo News

I made one of the most popular air-fryer chicken recipes, and it was better than takeout - Yahoo News

Posted: 05 Mar 2021 10:21 AM PST

air fryer orange chicken
I made a very popular orange-chicken recipe in my air fryer. Chelsea Davis for Insider

For my latest air-fryer experiment, I tried the top pick from The Kitchn's January list of the most popular air-fryer recipes on Pinterest.

The list-topping recipe is for orange chicken, and I made the gluten-free version of it from recipe blog Lite Cravings.

Read on to find out how this dish turned out and how it stacks up against classic orange-chicken takeout.

The ingredients were easy to find

air fryer orange chicken
I could find everything I needed for this recipe at my local Safeway. Chelsea Davis for Insider

The list of ingredients was surprisingly short and included chicken, egg, cornstarch, orange juice, ginger, oyster and soy sauce, honey, and red-pepper flakes.

I had most of these ingredients already, so shopping was a breeze.

The prep was pretty straightforward

air fryer orange chicken
I made sure to keep the pieces as uniform as possible to allow for even cooking. Chelsea Davis for Insider

After I chopped my chicken into 1-inch cubes, I whisked an egg, dipped the pieces in it, then dumped a cup of cornstarch in a plastic, sealable bag.

Using tongs, I allowed the extra egg wash to drip off the meat before placing each piece in the gluten-free coating.

air fryer orange chicken
I added extra cornstarch to the bag to make sure each piece was nicely coated. Chelsea Davis for Insider

Once I shook my plastic bag full of egg-washed meat and cornstarch, I dumped its contents onto a cutting board and liberally coated all the chicken with cooking spray.

It came time to break out my air fryer

air fryer orange chicken
I divided the chicken between my two baskets. Chelsea Davis for Insider

Ready to bake the meat, I preheated my air fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

After I laid out the chicken in the appliance, I coated the pieces again with a nonstick spray and cooked the batch for 20-25 minutes, shaking the baskets halfway.

In the meantime, I made the sauce, which was super easy to throw together

air fryer orange chicken
The sauce took about seven minutes on the cooktop to thicken. Chelsea Davis for Insider

For the signature glaze, I dumped the orange juice, oyster sauce, and other ingredients into a pan over the cooktop and stirred it all together until it thickened.

After about seven minutes on a high simmer, it had achieved the ideal consistency.

Once the chicken was done, I tossed it in the sauce

The sauce perfectly thickened up and easily coated all of the nicely air-fried pieces of meat.

And thankfully, the crust stayed on the chicken bites and kept its crunch.

I couldn't get over how tasty this dish was, so I will absolutely make it again

air fryer orange chicken
It tasted shockingly similar to the orange chicken from Panda Express. Chelsea Davis for Insider

The glaze was absolutely delicious - tangy, savory, and sweet, it was the perfect combination of orange and soy. And the garlic and oyster sauce in the mix gave it an addictive and fantastic umami flavor.

The chicken was crunchy and had a great texture to it. Although it wasn't as crispy as deep-fried takeout alternatives, it held up well in the thick, sticky orange sauce.

I hadn't fried anything with just cornstarch before, but I was pleasantly surprised with the result, as the exterior had a hardy crunch.

Next time, I plan to use more nonstick oil to thoroughly coat the chicken pieces and to fry them a bit less, as I was so focused on getting a golden crust that I may have slightly overcooked the meat.

That said, it's good to keep in mind that the air fryer won't usually result in that browned, crunchy exterior a deep fryer would provide, but in this case, the final product was just as satisfying.

Read the original article on Insider

Recipes: The rotisserie chicken you buy at the supermarket can be used to make these dishes - OCRegister

Posted: 05 Mar 2021 10:29 AM PST

Takeout rotisserie chickens are more than fast and convenient. They can be downright scrumptious. Turning on a spit keeps juices distributed throughout the meat. Plus, flavorful drippings fall from one revolving bird to the next, keeping them well-basted. No wonder they're so popular.

The skin shimmers, while drumsticks bound at the end form elongated heart shapes below rounded breasts and tautly tucked wings. On the way home the alluring scent of roast poultry melds with herbs and spices. The aroma in the car fuels chicken-centric hunger pangs.

Sure, there's Costco's birds, juicy and flavorful, but I'm one of those folks who is warehouse-chain cautious during the pandemic. I've sought out new sources, several eateries among them. One of my favorites is the Noble Bird Rotisserie in Long Beach at 2nd and Pacific Coast Highway.

Executive Chef Andrew Bice brought a well-thought-out menu to the location, which opened last year. Along with an array of tasty side dishes, Bice developed two styles of rotisserie chicken: a traditional herb and lemon bird, as well as a tangy "G" Chicken with Korean gochugaru chili flakes and orange, as well as lemon, garlic, ginger, soy sauce and honey. The pasture-raised chickens are brined for 24 hours and slow-cooked on a spit. They are available in whole or half portions.

All dishes are dairy-free, including a chef's special pot pie that showcases shredded rotisserie chicken and an enticing combination of vegetables. Vegan butter replaces butter, and oat milk replaces milk. I've included an adapted recipe here with dairy-subs and dairy-included components.

While the rotisserie chicken can be happily eaten as is, its versatility as an ingredient in quick-to-prepare dishes is endless. Noodle soup made with pieces of rotisserie chicken is delicious. The stock that is the backbone of the dish can be made overnight in a low-heat oven. It puts the leftover bones from the chicken to work, teaming them with vegetables for their eight-hour oven slog.

The recipes are included, along with a formula for an easy curried chicken salad with grapes and melon.

Chef Andrew Bice's Chicken and Vegetable Pot Pies are made with bird cooked on a rotisserie, green beans, cremini mushrooms, carrots, celery and herbs. (Photo by Kat Nguyen-De Angelis)

Noble Bird's Adapted Rotisserie Chicken and Vegetable Pot Pies

Yield: 4 servings (If you want larger servings, use 2 larger heatproof bowls to serve two)


1 rotisserie chicken


1 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling out

Pinch of salt

8 tablespoons cold unsalted butter (or cold vegan butter), cut into 8 pieces

4 tablespoons ice water – without the ice

Egg wash: 1 egg, lightly beaten with a fork


2 tablespoons butter (or vegan butter)

3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

2 cups whole milk (or 1 cup oat milk and 1 cup vegetable broth), heated

Salt and pepper to taste

Small amount of milk (or vegetable broth) to prevent skin forming on sauce as it rests

Vegetable mixture:

1 to 2 tablespoon vegetable oil, canola oil or extra-virgin olive oil

8 fresh green beans, trimmed, cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces

3/4 cup chopped fresh white or cremini mushrooms

1 large shallot, finely chopped

1 large garlic clove, finely chopped

1 large, peeled carrot, cut into 1/4-inch dice

3 large celery stalks, cut into 1/4-inch dice

1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh sage

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley

3 cooked fingerling potatoes, halved lengthwise, blanched or roasted until fork tender

Cook's notes: For a dairy-free version, use ingredients that are in parentheses. For 4 servings, I use ovenproof cappuccino cups that hold just almost 2 cups; they are 3 1/2 inches deep and 5 inches wide.


1. Remove skin and bones from enough chicken (save bones if making stock) to make 1 cup. Cut or shred chicken into bite-sized pieces. Set aside.

2. Prepare crust: Adjust oven rack to middle position and preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Add 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons flour to food processor; add a pinch of salt. Pulse one time to combine. Add butter and pulse until butter is in tiny pieces and the mixture looks like coarse cornmeal, about 10 seconds. With machine running, add ice water through the feed tube 1 tablespoon at a time, stopping as soon as the mixture holds together when pinched (you may not need to add all 4 tablespoons). Turn dough onto parchment paper and bring together into a flat disc. Enclose in parchment and refrigerate 30 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, prepare sauce: In a 2-quart saucepan, melt butter on medium heat. Stir in flour and cook, stirring, until frothy and heated through but not browned, 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from heat and whisk in heated milk. Whisk on medium heat until sauce comes to a boil. Boil 2 to 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add salt and pepper to taste. Set aside. To prevent a film forming, top off surface with a thin film of broth or milk.

4. On a lightly floured surface, roll dough out to a 1/4-inch thickness. Using bowl as a template, cut 4 circles a little smaller than the circumference of the bowls. Place on parchment-lined baking sheet. Using a pastry brush, brush tops of dough with egg wash, being careful not to let it run off the sides of the dough. Bake until golden brown, about 12 to 15 minutes. Remove from oven. Do not turn off oven.

5. Meanwhile, prepare vegetable mixture: In a skillet, heat oil on medium-high heat. Add green beans, mushrooms, shallot and garlic; cook 1 minute, stirring occasionally. Add carrot, celery, sage, parsley, potatoes, and chicken. Cook until vegetables are heated through and have a little browning here and there, about 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Do not overcook; the green beans should still have some nice crunch and the other vegetables should be tender crisp. Taste. Add a little salt if needed.

6. Assembly: Stir in the thin layer of milk or broth used to prevent film from forming into the sauce. Add 1/2 cup sauce to each of 4 ovenproof cups. Divide vegetables among cups, pressing them down just a little bit into the sauce with the back of a spoon (do not stir in). Place cups on rimmed baking sheet and pop into the heated oven, long enough for them to be piping hot, about 7 to 10 minutes. Gently place a crust on top of each. Serve.

Source: Adapted from Andrew Bice, executive chef, Noble Bird Rotisserie, Long Beach (6400 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach, located off Marina Drive)

When you're done with a rotisserie chicken, you can put its carcass in a saucepan with tomato paste, onion, carrots, garlic cloves, a basil leave and a few sprigs of parsley and heat it overnight to make chicken stock. (Photo by Cathy Thomas)

Easy Overnight Chicken Stock

Yield: 1 quart


1 roast chicken carcass

1 skin-on yellow onion, root trimmed, quartered

1 to 2 carrots, quartered

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 leek, green parts and all, well washed, quartered

4 large garlic cloves, unpeeled, lightly smashed

1 bay leaf

A few Italian parsley sprigs

1 tablespoon tomato paste

1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns

Cook's notes: I keep tomato paste in a zipper-style plastic bag in the freezer. That way when I need a small portion I cut off what is needed. As for saving the bones? Yes, I collect them off plates of family members after the meal if the chicken is served bone-in. I suspect cookbook author Michael Ruhlman uses a convection oven for stock making. I find that upping the temp from his suggested 200 degrees to 225 degrees works better in my conventional oven. He includes a great onion tip for stock making. He doesn't peel the brown onions, explaining that onion skin enhances the color and flavor.


1. Combine all ingredients in an ovenproof 3-quart saucepan. Pour enough water to cover ingredients by 2 or 3 inches. When you are ready to turn in, put pan, uncovered, in the oven. Turn oven to 225 degrees. In the morning, or after 8 hours, turn oven off.

2. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a container or pan; cool. Refrigerate and use within 5 days, or freeze.

Source: Adapted from "From Scratch" by Michael Ruhlman (Abrams, $40)

Combine 1 cup of shredded boneless, skinless chicken with egg noodles, veggies and homemade chicken stock or store-bought broth to make your own Chicken Noodle Soup. (Photo by Cathy Thomas)

Chicken Noodle Soup

Yield: 4 servings


Kosher salt to taste

8 ounces egg noodles

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 medium yellow onion, diced

1 large carrot, peeled, diced

2 celery stalks, diced

5 to 6 cups Easy Overnight Chicken Stock (recipe included) or store-bought chicken broth

4 to 6 thyme sprigs, tied together with cotton string if you have it — to make it easier to fish out

Optional: 1 tablespoon fish sauce

1 cup shredded or diced cooked boneless, skinless chicken

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley

Finely grated zest of 1/2 lemon

Optional for passing: hot sauce, such as Frank's RedHot


1. Bring a medium saucepan of well-salted water to a boil over high heat. Cook the noodles according to package directions until al dente. Drain in colander and run a little cold water on them. Set aside.

2. Meanwhile, heat oil in a Dutch oven or large pan on medium-high heat. Add garlic and cook 30 seconds. Add carrot, celery and a pinch of salt. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add stock along with thyme and (if using) fish sauce. Bring to a gentle simmer and cook 5 minutes. Add chicken and noodles. Bring soup back to a simmer. Serve immediately, garnishing each serving with fresh parsley and lemon zest. Pass the hot sauce for optional use.

Source: "From Scratch" by Michael Ruhlman (Abrams, $40)

Leftover cooked chicken can be cut into cubes to make Curried Chicken and Melon Salad. (Photo by Nick Koon)

Curried Chicken and Melon Salad


Yield: 8 servings

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/3 cup plain yogurt

1/3 cup sour cream

1 tablespoon curry powder, see cook's notes

3/4 pound cooked chicken, bones and skin removed, cut into 1/2-inch cubes

1 cup green or red seedless grapes, stemmed, halved if large

1/2 medium honeydew, peeled, seeded, cut into 1/4-inch cubes

1/2 medium cantaloupe, peeled, seeded, cut into 1/4-inch cubes

1 1/2 cups (1/4-inch pieces) trimmed celery

4 green onions, sliced, including half of dark green stalks

Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

6 cups mixed baby greens

1 cup slivered almonds, toasted, see cook's notes

Cook's notes: Curry powder is used to spike the dressing with the alluring aroma and taste of dried herbs and spices. Contents of commercial curry powder blends vary from brand to brand, but generally speaking, they fall into two basic styles: standard and the hotter of the two, "Madras." In this salad, use the style that most suits your taste. When it's in season, I like to add a diced peach or two diced apricots to the salad.  To toast slivered almonds, place on rimmed baking sheet and place in 350-degree oven about 3 to 4 minutes, or until nicely browned. Watch carefully because nuts burn easily. Set aside to cool.


1.To make dressing, bowl whisk mayonnaise, yogurt, sour cream and curry powder in small bowl; set aside.

2. In large bowl, place chicken, grapes, melons, celery, and green onion. Add dressing and salt and pepper; gently toss to lightly coat contents with dressing. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed.

3. Place baby greens on serving platter. Top with chicken salad and toasted almonds. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Source: "Everyday Cooking with Organic Produce" by Cathy Thomas (Wiley, $29.95)

Have a cooking question? Contact Cathy Thomas at cathythomascooks@gmail.com

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