Is "imitation meat" healthier than the real thing?

Is “Fake Meat” Healthier Than the Real Thing?

Gone are the days when burgers and meatballs were exclusively devoted to eating meat. The same applies to visiting your favorite tacos or chicken fast food. With the spread of vegetable meat alternatives from companies such as Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods in the mainstream, it has become easier for vegetarians and vegetarians to eat foods that are usually consumed by carnivores.
Meat alternatives are not entirely new. Vegetarian burgers have been on the restaurant's menu and filling freezers in stores for decades. But this new wave of lean "meats" takes the class one step further by promising to look, taste and even bleed like the real thing. Of course, this raises some questions.


"For those who want or prefer plant-based eating patterns, meat alternatives can provide a way to enjoy" burgers "or similar foods," says Amy Goodson, MS, RD. "However, believing that you are taking a healthy option may be a false assumption."
She points out that beef is a complete food that provides 10 essential nutrients, including protein, iron, and B vitamins, while many alternative meats contain up to 15 ingredients, which are highly processed and contain fewer nutrients. Alternative meat often wins the calorie battle, but contains the same amount of fat as a traditional burger due to the inclusion of ingredients like coconut oil. It actually contains more fats, saturated fats and sodium than lean red meat.
Another surprising surprise from the new wave of alternative meats is that although they contain ingredients such as peas, mung beans and rice proteins, they do not contain actual vegetables. This means that they do not count towards your recommended 5-7 servings per day.
"Options such as black bean burger, or those made with more vegetables and beans, may be a nutrient-rich option," says Goodson.


While vegetarian eating can certainly be beneficial to people and the environment, it is also important to realize that not all protein is the same. So, if you choose to get the most protein from plants, you may need to be more strategic in eating you.

"Amino acids from vegetable proteins (with the exception of soybeans) are not as bioavailable as meat," says registered dietitian Taylor Sutton. This means that your body cannot absorb and use protein efficiently.


"If someone wants to reduce his consumption of meat, we look at his lifestyle and what his main goals are," says Sutton. Taking something out of your diet, like meat, means that you will need to return nutrients from protein and fat through another route. Sutton suggests choosing high-quality, nutritious and high-fat vegetables such as nuts, seeds and avocado.

While alternative meats can certainly be part of a healthy diet, they are not a magic pill - and, as with all things, they should be consumed in moderation. When in doubt, choosing the least processed food is always a smart choice.

"If you want to eat more vegetarian diet, eat more plants," says Goodson. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds - all good.